Tenets, Creed & Principles


The spiritual Tenets, Creed, and Principles of The Church of the Umbilical Arts are as follows:

1. Existence and life are of divine origin and nature and all unalienable rights of humanity inhere therein and derive therefrom.

2. Each man or woman is unique, of unfathomable inner depth and configuration, and the unit of experience and free will with absolute, sovereign right of self-ownership.

3. Humanity’s sovereignty derives from the Supreme Creator God, the Ultimate Sovereign, and inheres in the union of existence and individual free will.

4. Awe and wonder for the Source of life, and reverence, respect, and non-harmfulness for the endless diverse expressions of life, constitutes the foundation of justice and peace in human society.

5. Truth is supreme in the life of humanity, without genuine knowledge and clear perception of which a person necessarily lives in ignorance and delusion, resulting in confusion, suffering, and eventual destruction due to acting in error.

6. Freedom is an unalienable right and a universal aspect of man's true nature, essential for full exercise of faculties and for the infinite diversity of existence to manifest itself. Freedom is necessary for happiness, learning, self-actualization, and fulfillment.

7. No man, woman, or institution is the source of creation of the life of another or has any a priori claim on said life. For anyone, operating on his own or through constructed institutions, to presume to have title or right to dominate the life of anyone who does not contract voluntarily, willingly, and knowingly to become a party or subject to the claim is criminal usurpation of man's free will which even God does not exercise. The convictions, beliefs, life styles, creeds, and religious practices are entirely the concern of each individual person and remain inviolate unless said convictions and practices injure or defraud another against his or her will.

8. Force is morally valid only when utilized for last-resort self defense.

9. In a sound society people live and accumulate wealth and property on the basis of free, open, mutually voluntary exchanges in which all parties are bettered in the unique terms of each party. Since the right of self-ownership is absolute, so is one's ownership of all property acquired through honorable labor, i.e. "A workman is worthy of his hire." Wealth acquired in such constructive and honorable ways is allodial and cannot be justly rendered subject to any external claims.

10. No burden of proof falls on anyone who innocently asserts or seeks to enjoy his life, rights, freedom, or property. One who attempts to deprive another of life, rights, freedom, or property incurs the obligation of substantiating the ethical, moral, and lawful basis for any such invasive or aggressive action.

11. Members of The Church of the Umbilical Arts are “in the world but not of it,” and seek to live by respect, non- harmfulness, unconditional love, scrupulous neutrality, non-contention, non-intervention with beings that one himself did not create and does not own, and non-involvement with affairs which are not the just province and concern of oneself. As it is written: “A Superior Person goes only into his own domain.” ~I Ching.

12. The Church of the Umbilical Arts is established in accordance with timeless and universal maxims of law which include, but are not limited to:

• “An act done by me against my will is not my act.” Brac. 101b. •

“Consent makes the law. (A contract is law between the parties agreeing to be bound by it.)” Branch, Princ.; 8 Mont. 32.

• “One who exercises jurisdiction out of his territory cannot be obeyed with impunity.” 10 Co. 77; Dig. 2. 1. 20; Story, Confl. Laws § 539; Broom, Max. 100, 101.

• “Good faith must be observed.” 1 Metc. Mass. 551; 23 id.; 521.

• “In favor of life, liberty, and innocence, all things are to be presumed.” Lofft. 125.

• “The contract makes the law.” 22 Wend. 215, 233.

• “Freedom does not admit of valuation.” Bracton 14.

• “The form of agreement and the convention of the parties overrule the law.” 13 Pick. 491; Broom, Max, 689 et seq.; 2 Co 73; 22 N.Y. 252.

• “To lie is to go against the mind.” 3 Bulstr. 260.

• “He who stands on his own rights injures no one.” 41 La. Ann. 194; 48 id. 1389. • “No man can forfeit another's right.” Fleta, 1. 1, c. 28, §11.

• “Power ought to follow, not to precede, justice.” 3 Bulstr. 199.

• “Whatever is against the rule of right is wrong.” 3 Bulstr. 313. • “What is mine cannot be taken away without my consent.” Jenk. Cent. 251.

• “Rights never die.”

13. The law of karma (action/reaction) is inviolate. Existence is a cause/effect coherence in which all actions and processes contain the inexorable and exact consequences of themselves, i.e. one "reaps what he sows." It is essential to one's survival and self-interest to refrain from harming others and to be as beneficial and constructive as possible. "He who helps others helps himself," and conversely, "One who harms others harms himself."

14. God’s purpose is that we realize ourselves as an aspect of God and experiences ever fuller glory of God. The more of that unbounded glory one realizes, the more one can become and can yet be, without limit or end. 15. The goal of life is its own fulfillment. To that end the essentials of life must be fulfilled. These include the actualization of one's talents and life work for the betterment of self, mankind, and creation, the health of the body, material well being, rewarding social relationships, ever greater fellowship with the Creator, and becoming increasingly conscious of consciousness. To fulfill the essentials of life brings happiness; not fulfilling them brings unhappiness.

Aho ~*~ Amen